Thursday, February 5, 2009

Low Blow

The economy sucks. We all know it. But even if it hasn't really affected you, I don't think it gives you permission to openly mock the people that is has affected. If the new scrawny kid in accounting or the annoying kid in creative gets the boot and you don't, it doesn't give you permission to rub it in their face.

Well, apparently Best Buy thinks differently about this situation. One of their major competitors, Circuit City, recently announced that it will be closing all of their stores. This is great news for Best Buy, but instead of silently celebrating their victory in the world of retail, they decided to rub it in Circuit City's face.

I believe this is what some may call "sore winning." There's nothing like kicking someone while they're down.

OK, I won't lie, I think this is pretty funny.

1 comment:

Derrick said...

Right, but you know if they didn't do this, some idiot would go to Best Buy with an ad from Circuit City and try to get them to match/beat their price. If the country wasn't so stupid/greedy, then they wouldn't need to do this.