Thursday, February 12, 2009

LOST Conspiracy Theory Thursday!

If you missed last nights episode, stop reading!

Holy crap lots of stuff happened.

  • Smoke Monster makes another appearance and a French guy lost his arm in the process. Apparently the Smoke Monster lives in the cracks of that ancient temple. This has to be tied to that four toed foot sculpture that Sayid and Jin found earlier.
  • Rousseau kills off the other people in her group claiming they were infected as they tried to kill her. Did the island infect Ben in a similar (read: evil) way? Is that why he killed off all the Dharma folks? We know he had some issues with Roger Workman, but maybe there are greater forces here at work.
  • Charlotte grew up on the island! And what was up with her waking up and speaking all kinds of Korean? Where'd she go? It seems like Faraday is headed back to investigate and try to save Charlotte. When Faraday first debuted on the show, they showed the 815 wreckage and he was inexplicably saddened. I'm still waiting on an answer for that one.
  • Locke gets a mean leg break (blegh!!) falling down the well at what later become the Orchid. What's with Christian Sheppard running the show on the island?
  • I find it odd that the survivors all HAD TO come back to the island. But when only a handful of them show up, Faraday's mother is cool with it. Something tells me this won't go well.

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