Friday, October 30, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Schwarzenegger Spells it Out with Veto

Cah-lee-for-knee-ah Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed a bill this week. Ok, not really big news, Governors veto bills all the time. But wait, what's that? There's hidden profanity in it? See kids politics can be interesting! Check out the link below for the actual document.

I've also received word he's drafting a response to these allegeations:

"In response to these Wrongful allegations, I am appaled by the LibeL that has been hawKed and propagated so Intensely by the LiberaL media elite. You can be confident that Our team maintains the Utmost degree of professionalism and Respect for the political process. Californians Have to be assured I am Looking to both Democrats and Republicans to do what is best for our state and Entertaining speculation to the contrary is Nonsense."

[California.Gov] - Actual veto .pdf

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This Week in FAIL: Steve Phillips Edition

Really dude? C'mon. Can anybody even begin to rationalize how the hell this happened? This guy is on TV! He was once the manager of a professional baseball team (ok, well the Mets) in a major city! This is the best he can pull? Hope it was worth it, buddy.

That's almost as bad as the cheerleader that got irreversibly screwed up from the flu shot.

Side note: If that ever happened to me, I'd be screwed cause I hate running.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

Another Reason I Eventually Want to Procreate

Because I want to dress them up in traumatic (but hilarious!) costumes like these every October 31st.

More links after the jump.

[Huffington Post]

Monday, October 5, 2009

European Farmers Protest High Milk Prices

Somewhere, Peter North is smiling.

[New York Times]