Friday, February 27, 2009

3DWaB PSA: Flirting with Magic

This is just in time for the weekend.

Also, is there any question that the guy in the white sportscoat probably has about ten dead bodies hidden in his crawlspace?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Cats vs. Dogs

A story of two battles below. Obviously, 99 out of 100 times, the dog would destroy the cat.

3DWaB Public Service Announcement: Babies Nationwide Get Wrecked by Tagless Clothing

"You were right about Carter('s)."

[Ava's Tagless Horror With Carters]

LOST Conspiracy Theory Thursday!

You know the drill by now, don't read if you haven't seen. After a great job on the recap last week I've invited My Buddy Joe to fill us in on the recaps from now on.

Ok, GREAT episode this week. I’m an unabashed John Locke fan, mostly because he is by far the most complex character on the show. Also, he inherited the mantle of Joe’s Favorite Character because the bastard producers killed off Mr. Eko.

This week’s episode, “The Life and Death of Jeremy Benthem”, opens with Dead Man Walking from last week (real name Cesar) pulling a Danny Ocean in one of the Dharma stations, where he finds a map of the island and what appeared to be Captain Jack Sparrow’s pistol. New Ana-Lucia (real name I Forgot to Write it Down) walks in without knocking and catches Cesar masturb…. I mean putting the gun in his bag. They go back outside, where the plane has crashed intact on the beach. Who was Lapidus’s co-pilot, Sully Sullenberger? Nice landing. The scuttlebutt around the Coachies camp is that there is an interloper who was not on the plane. Is it an Other? No, it’s John Locke, who apparently is the Messiah of the island (which I guess answers part of my question from last week, “Who is the son?”). Sweet resurrection JL. Better check yourself for puncture wounds. (This episode was supposed to air last week, with the episode “316” airing this week. Ben’s story about Thomas the Apostle would have made better sense in that context, I think. And why couldn’t the producers have named him John Calvin so his initials would be JC?)

Let’s get your backstory shoes on…. Locke clicks the Orchid wheel in place and is magically whisked away to… Tunisia. (“Hi, we’re in… Tunisia.) JL lies on the desert floor with his shattered tibia for at least 12 hours until a bunch of Jawas find him and throw JL in the back of their Datsun. JL is brought to the same hack doctor who “fixed” my back and has his shin bone rammed back into his leg. Just before he passed out from excruciating pain, JL sees Matthew Abbadon in the shadows. When JL wakes, Charles F-ing Widmore is waiting at his bedside. JL, of course, does not recognize Widmore, who seems astonished that Locke looks exactly like he did 50 years ago. Charlie, you know what the island can do. Why is this news to you? Widmore basically explains the situation, telling Locke he as to bring them all back, Ben is a goon, there’s a war coming, etc etc. Then he drops this bomb on us – he was the leader of The Others (called it!! Crazy Theory #3 after the episode “Jughead”!!) and Ben stole the island from him. Cry me a river dude, you’ve got more money than God and your granddaughter used to be Mischa Barton. Widmore sends JL to round up the usual suspects, and loans the services of Matthew Abbadon (who, if he was 7’6”, would bear a striking resemblance to Manute Bol). Irony of ironies, Abbadon pulls out a wheelchair for him. JL stares down Abbadon, as if he’s trying to remember…

First stop on the John Locke Reunion Tour is Sayid’s old stomping grounds… Santo Domingo? How many languages does this guy know? Sayid tells JL to blow it out his ass and Locke moves on to… NYC! Wait a minute, Walt? What a random cameo. Next stop, Hurley’s Funny Farm, where Hurley exposes Abbadon. Abbadon then confirms that he is, in fact, Ellis Redding, and is a man who knows how to get things. A quick jaunt down PCH to LA, where Kate spews some philosophical mumbo-jumbo at JL. Pretty sassy for a baby-stealing ex-con, Kate. Finally, Locke convinces Abbadon to bring him to his old girlfriend, Peg Bundy, who unfortunately died of some horrible thing that I forgot because its not really that important. Going back to the towncar, Abbadon gets sniped, so Locke takes off and gets t-boned at the first red light he drives through by some asshole who was probably on his cell phone. JL, I know you haven’t been behind the wheel in a long, long time, but that was some of the worst getaway driving I’ve ever seen.

Locke wakes in a hospital, this time with Jack at his bedside! They quickly fall into their old routine – “Who’s on first?” “Yes.” No, seriously, they have their usual repartee about science vs faith and karma vs coincidence. JL tells Jack that “your father says hello”, at which point Jack flips out, grows a horrible beard, drinks heavily, beats his wife, and kicks his dog. Locke is discharged from the hospital and goes back to his REALLY shitty hotel, where he writes the famous suicide note and starts rigging up a noose. JL climbs up on the table, writes “Locke was here” on the ceiling, and is almost about to do it… when Ben breaks down his door and talks him out of it. Ben spends the next 10 minutes convincing Locke that Widmore is a goon, there’s a war coming, etc etc. JL is talked off the ledge, only to have Ben strangle him when JL mentions Eloise Hawking. (What is Ben’s fetish with Hawking? Are they secret lovers and he’s jealous of other men?) Ben rigs the scene to look like a suicide, cleans up, and leaves.

The episode concludes (at 10:04, totally f-ing everybody’s Tivo) with JL finding an unconscious Ben among the injured Coachies. What is going to happen to all the Coachies? Will Ben recover? Why wasn’t Locke paralyzed again when he went back to the real world? What time are they in? Where did Lapidus take off to? How come the Others haven’t found the Coachies yet? Where are Sayid and Sun? Whose side is Locke on, Widmore or Ben? Most important, now that everyone is back, what happens next???

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Observations from the State of the Union Address That Wasn’t Really a State of the Union Address

Tonight Obama addresses Congress about the state of the union, even though it isn't a formal State of the Union speech. If you're looking for any sort of intelligent commentary on hotbutton political issues, you won't find it here. Instead, you'll be treated to an ongoing smattering of observations rivaling the intellect of a sixth-grader. Enjoy!

9:04 And we're off! I'm going with CNN, my network of choice over the other 98 that are broadcasting it tonight. I have no logical rationale for why I choose this channel when the same exact thing is shown on every other channel at the moment. Someone pull me in for a focus group!

9:05 Is Nancy Pelosi wearing an old couch slipcover?

9:10 I almost expecting Obama to come out to a more elaborate introduction than that. I was hoping for something similar to when the Chicago Bulls used to come out to Orion. That would have been totally sweet. “And at President! 6’1” from Harvard Law!

9:15 Let’s see how long this standing ovation lasts...

9:16 ...still going…alternating between awkward and endearing…

9:17 Ok there we go. Ah crap, another standing ovation for Michelle Obama.

9:17 “…if you haven’t been affected by this recession…” (and which guy is that exactly?)

9:21 Joe Biden totally looks like this thing.

9:25 Shot of John McCain with a grin likely reminiscent of his days during his extended stay at the Hanoi Hilton.

9:28 While Obama is discussing options for freeing up the credit market, they cut to a shot of Tim Geithner who’s probably thinking something along the lines of, “ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuck.”

9:39 Obama is listing other countries that have better adopted efficient energy. This is pissing me off and making me want to try to build a solar panel based on crap laying around my living room.

9:40 Failed clap! That’s gotta be embarrassing.

9:43 On the topic of child healthcare coverage, Nancy Pelosi nearly leaps out of her seat with applause. The Republican party decidedly sits down on this one. Hey, I hate kids too but c’mon.

9:47 Incentives for teachers based on student performance – looks like my roommate is screwed. I’ve seen some student assignments he’s had to grade. Yikes.

9:49 I love the volunteer-in-the-community-and-get-free-college idea. Where the hell was that 9 years ago? Clinton. You hack.

9:57 Obama mentions ending the war in Iraq. Cut to McCain who looks like he shit himself minutes earlier and is trying to casually see if anyone has noticed.

10:00 “The United States does not torture.” Somewhere, Dick Cheney sheds a tear, then waterboards a kitten.

10:06 Is there an easier room to get a standing ovation in than Congress at a SOTU address? Hell, even I could kill in that room.

10:08 That about wraps it up, clocking in around the 0:52 minute mark by Wolf Blitzer's count.

10:11 Seeing Obama getting mobbed and doing rounds after the speech actually reminds me of Jordan after a game doing rounds with reporters. Why don’t the Chicago Bulls sell Obama ‘09 jerseys? Those would sell like hotcakes.

10:17 It's always weird seeing politicians hounding the president for his autograph. It's your boss. Relax.

10:24 Here’s Bobby Jindal’s response. I can’t wait to see the Republican party schlepping this guy around for the next 4 years. He’s brown! Vote Jindal in 2012!

10:24 Whoa! Is that really this guy's voice?? This dude sounds like a narrator at a bad ride at Disneyland. And don't wish me a Happy Mardi Gras. Do you see any topless women around me? I sure as hell don't. Especially with that voice that sounds you're talking to a five year old. Asshat.

Monday, February 23, 2009

I Can't Wait Till Baseball Season

Above: C.C. Sabathia digests a baby rhinoceros.


Not Your Kid's Birthday Party Balloon Animals

While I'm contractually obligated to encourage the use of LifeStyles, this is a pretty clever (and hilarious) ad.

Friday, February 20, 2009

LOST Conspiracy Theory Friday!

Hey folks,

Sorry I'm late with the LOST post this week. Filling in for me is guest blogger My Buddy Joe with a long-winded rambling post. Enjoy!

I guess the standard spoiler alert disclaimer isn’t necessary, because if you haven’t watched by now, you’re not really a fan and could care less about this post. Also, I’m a little more long-winded than EDub, so this may be a print-and-read-in-the-head post.

This week’s episode is entitled “316”, a reference to the Bible passage John 3:16, which according to Godipedia (actual site!) is “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (Not, as claimed by Family Guy, “And the Lord said, Go Sox.”) So who is God? Jacob? Christian Shepard? Who is the son? Locke? Jack? Ben? As usual, many questions, no answers.

The episode opens with Jack lying face up in the jungle (obvious homage to the series open). After regaining consciousness, Jack realizes that he is back on the island. Dude, you’ve been killing yourself to get back there. Couldn’t we get a Tiger Woods fist pump or something? Or at least a smile? Jack hears shouting in the distance and immediately runs to investigate, because if the island has taught him anything, shouting ALWAYS leads to good times. Oh shit! Hurley’s drowning! (Which is physiologically impossible given his body mass index. Dude is like 30% fat. He’ll float in anything.) Jack, without checking to see if he will bash his head on any shallow rocks, dives in and saves Hurley. Oh shit! There’s Kate! She looks dead! Oh, no, she’s only taking five, because she wakes immediately after Jack’s asks if she can hear him. Don’t check her vitals or anything, Doc.

Flash back 46 hours later!! Eloise Hawking (aka Faraday’s mother, aka The Old Lady Who Wouldn’t Let Desmond Buy Penny an Engagement Ring, Thus Ruining His Life by Sending Him on Some Crazy Boat Race Around the World) takes the Oceanic Two featuring Ben & Dez down a creepy staircase to the Dharma Lamp Post station. (How many of these things are there? If I go into my basement is there going to be a Dharma Alligator station for monitoring all the amphibious life in Florida and performing weird experiments on them?) Hawking starts explaining about this uber-complicated formula (which I’m pretty sure is the square root of sin2(x) + cos2(x)) that enabled Dharma scientists for figure out where the island was supposed to be, and that they have 36 hours to jump on a flight to Guam, because the island will be in between there and LA. Jack and Sun are on board, but Desmond throws a conniption and storms out of the Lamp Post like a 14-year-old girl whose daddy refused to drive her to the mall. Nobody seems to care. Before Jack leaves, he has a private word with Hawking, in which she tells him that he must bring something of his father’s with him on the flight. Is Hawking also a voodoo priestess? WTF is going on? Sun still has Jin’s wedding ring, so she’s all set, but what about Ben? Shouldn’t he need something borrowed or something blue as well?

The next day, the producers decide to introduce a completely unnecessary character as a means of Jack finding his father’s shoes. Why couldn’t he have found them in the back of his closet? And why is Jack forcing his grandpa to live in the Springfield Retirement Castle? (EDub met my grandpa, and I think he would agree with me that the old man would not have stood for shenanigans like that.) Jack goes back to his surprisingly nice condo (which I guess is why he has to drive that POS) and finds Kate passed out on his bed. Kate is apparently distraught over losing Aaron (to whom??) and has ridiculously amazing angry sex with Jack (deleted scenes). The next morning Jack tries to make her breakfast but Kate would rather do the Walk of Shame. Jack then gets a call from Ben, who looks like spent the previous night hurling racial epithets at residents of Watts. Jack has to pick up John Locke’s body at the butcher shop, where in a moment of inspiration, Jack puts his Dad’s shoes on Locke. Is Christian Shepard the Wicked Witch of the East? Will his charcoal slippers get everyone back to the island? Turns out Locke wrote a suicide note addressed to Jack, which Jack derisively refuses to read, claiming that he has heard everything Locke had to say.

Time to get on the plane! The flight attendant gives Jack the third degree about the coffin, because planes flying from LA to Guam are constantly under threat of terrorist hijacking and Jack fits the profile. Some dude in line offers his condolences. Dead man walking! Unnamed characters don’t talk to main characters and ever live to tell about it. Oh hey, there’s Kate, who hasn’t changed her clothes since last night’s humpapalooza. Hurley is waiting as well, holding a Spanish comic book (shades of Walt?) and a guitar case (shades of Charlie?). Hurley has also bought 78 empty seats, probably because he knows they are doomed and doesn’t want to drag down 78 innocent people with him. See, Hurley’s a nice guy like that. Ben (“What’s going to happen to them?” “Who cares?”) on the other hand, is a first class dick. Looks like the Federales have finally brought down Sayid, who is being escorted by The New Ana-Lucia.

Ok, so we’ve got 5 of the Oceanic 6 (where the hell is Aaron) loaded on the plane when Ben shows up right as the plane door is about to close, one arm in a sling. How come Ben kicks ass better than Jackie Chan sometimes, but other times acts like the biggest pussy in the history of mankind? Hurley almost has an aneurysm at the sight of Ben, but Jack calms him down by whispering sweet nothings in his ear. The plane takes off, and who is piloting this flying deathtrap? Old friend Frank Lapidus, who has the line of the night – “We’re not going to Guam, are we?” Jack tries making small talk with Ben, who is busy reading Ulysses, by James Joyce. For those who don’t know, Ulysses (the Greek guy) spent 10 years trying to get home from the Trojan War, encountering various obstacles along the way, including at least 2 shipwrecks on different islands. Ulysses (the book) is a supposed “classic” which was written in barely intelligible English by an alcoholic Irishman. Jack finally reads Locke’s suicide note, which plainly states, “Jack – I wish you had believed. JL” Locke is obviously trying to channel his namesake… or his alter-ego Bentham’s namesake… or Desmond’s namesake… or Rousseau’s namesake. Oh man, turbulence! Here we go….

Back on the island!! The writers only wrote 40 minutes of action for a 44 minute show, so we had to watch a Rocky II-esque repeat of the first 4 minutes of the episode. Ok, cool, Hurley and Kate are fine, but where are Sun, Sayid, and Ben? We’ll have to wait to find out, because the Dharma Initiative Welcome Van pulls up… and Jin gets out!!! Was Jin the inspiration for Roger Workman? What year are they in? When Locke jammed the spinning wheel back into place, did he lock them into time? Is this why Faraday was in the construction of the Orchid station in Episode 1? What happened to everyone sitting in coach? Did they end up on the other island with the polar bear cages? Is this island only for first-class passengers? Why the hell is this recap so damn long? Can EDub come back next week with the shorter recap please?

Wodzenie niedzwiedzia, Suchodaniec

Do not be alarmed. We're not celebrating Halloween early here on the blog, we're commemorating the annual Polish Silesian tradition of “Leading the Bear.”

For our uncultured readers, Leading the Bear is a carnival tradition that involves old Polish people dressing up in festive garb to bring good luck to the village. I'm assuming this is where the Village People stole their look from.

From what I gather, a "hunter" leads someone in a bear costume around by leash door-to-door. And as we all know, adults who dress up in bear costumes symbolize bad luck (likely because there's a chance they may use said costume to lure young children into unknown vehicles), so they can't be let off the leash.

This is where it gets a little confusing; this motley crew of costumed folk parade around town in hopes of beckoning a year of good luck. And in order for that to happen, every housewife in the village must dance with the bear. And, all farmers are encouraged to dance with the bear (if he does, he will in return receive many pigs and cows).

To thank the group for visiting a home/office/farm, you're supposed to offer up vodka to the traveling crew. Could this also be how bar crawls got their start???

At the end of the parade, the real show starts with the“killing of the bear." Back in the day, they slaughtered a bear, but now-a-days, they have some weird fake-killing where in the end, a teddy bear emerges from the big bear's belly and then they tell all the kids that it will grow up and return for next year's carnival.

Moral of this whole story: People in costume + vodka + dancing = Silesians know how to have a good time.

For video coverage, click here

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Vegas Cops Crack Down on Top 50 Vegas Prostitues, Slideshow is Horribly Disappointing

Anyone who has ever flipped past HBO's Cathouse at 3:00am or shuffled down the strip in a blurry-eyed haze has got to be hugely disappointed by this alleged "who's who" of Vegas' women of the night. Slideshow link is below.


[Las Vegas Review-Journal]

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A New Meaning to the Term "Shredded Abs"

I'm pretty sure the abs I want don't require sutures.

[Muscle And Fitness]

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Man Crush: Dennis Just

I'm officially over Shaq. Dennis Just and his godly fingertips have swept me off my erotic photo hunt feet. Dennis is the world's best photo hunt player.

To put his score in comparison, the highest score on Photo Hunt's server is 1,936,500 (only a small percentage of the company's Photo Hunt machines are connected to the server). Just's high score is 2,904,742. My high score is maybe in the 400,000' s. And I play with 2 or 3 other people.

His trick is what people earning Ph.D.s call "free fusing," (Just is currently an astronomy Ph.D. student at the University of Arizona) and what the rest of us call "crossing your eyes." Dennis stares at the screen, drink in hand, and shoves his eyeballs together until the two images overlap. With the scenes on top of one another, it's easy to see what distinguishes them.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like he's getting the respect he deserves. Tuscon appears to not be as into its photo hunt as Medford, MA. "In Tucson I'll go to a lot of places and see machines with no high scores because nobody has played it," Just says. "I feel like I'm Michael Jordan living in a place where nobody has heard of basketball."

DJ - on our blog, you're still Michael Jordan, but not only have we heard of basketball, we're hanging out in Springfield at the Naismith.

shout out to e-dub and, just to admit, part of this is blatantly plagiarized from Esquire

Monday, February 16, 2009

Learn How to Hip-Hop Dance

Inspired by Shaq, I'm on a quest to improve my hip-hop dance skills. Came across this hilarious tutorial (note the string holding his glasses in place), but am currently paralyzed by my inability to locate page 6...

I think I'm in love with Shaquille O'neal

I'll be honest, I haven't always been the biggest Shaq fan. There were those years that he spent with the Lakers and the couple horrible movies he put out, but as I get older and am able to separate the man from the mystique, I'm realizing that I dig Shaq. I'm still wowed by his 7'1", 325lbs frame, but more so, I love the rapper, twitterer, dancer, actor, showman that the big Shaq-tus is. Check out Shaq killing it during All-Star introductions with the Jabbawockeez and a few of his recent Tweets.

David stern said i dnt mind sounding trite, what does that word mean, any scholars out there

Some rumors are planted for a reaction, i dnt react, i act , have u seen kazaam, i kno terrible, lol

Ok i admit it i at performance enhancing frosted flakes 2 yrs ago, lol

Follow his twitter here:

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Potty Dance

The new dance that will soon be taking pre-schools and daycare centers across the country by storm...

Florida Panthers Announcer Has Rare Case of Goal-Induced Tourette's

[via Apartment 718]

Friday the 13th Disturbing Photo Contest

In honor of the unofficial horror holiday, I wanted to share a few of the more disturbing photos I've come across lately. In all honesty, I think I'm most perturbed by the Cheeto pic. Everything about it makes my body shudder.

Teenagers Have Baby; 13 Year Old Father Actually Looks About 8

In considerably less inspiring baby news, a 13 year old Brit just had a baby with his 15 year old girlfriend. After batting 1.000, this kid now has to raise a kid AND go through puberty. So any new parents out there, I don't want to hear about how tough it is. Imagine that combined with the requesite acne, voice cracks, and spontaneous erections. That's some hardship right there.

[via The Sun]

40 Years' Worth of Thanks

I know we normally post about crotch jokes, zombies or more recently, adorable koalas, but I came across this incredible story on and felt the need to pass along. Enjoy.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Is this dude serious?

Do people like this really exist?? Apparently they do. He calls himself Riff Raff and he is starring in the new season of MTV's From G's to Gents, and understandably so. I mean, he can't expect people to take him seriously, can he? I don't even really know what to say about this guy.

LOST Conspiracy Theory Thursday!

If you missed last nights episode, stop reading!

Holy crap lots of stuff happened.

  • Smoke Monster makes another appearance and a French guy lost his arm in the process. Apparently the Smoke Monster lives in the cracks of that ancient temple. This has to be tied to that four toed foot sculpture that Sayid and Jin found earlier.
  • Rousseau kills off the other people in her group claiming they were infected as they tried to kill her. Did the island infect Ben in a similar (read: evil) way? Is that why he killed off all the Dharma folks? We know he had some issues with Roger Workman, but maybe there are greater forces here at work.
  • Charlotte grew up on the island! And what was up with her waking up and speaking all kinds of Korean? Where'd she go? It seems like Faraday is headed back to investigate and try to save Charlotte. When Faraday first debuted on the show, they showed the 815 wreckage and he was inexplicably saddened. I'm still waiting on an answer for that one.
  • Locke gets a mean leg break (blegh!!) falling down the well at what later become the Orchid. What's with Christian Sheppard running the show on the island?
  • I find it odd that the survivors all HAD TO come back to the island. But when only a handful of them show up, Faraday's mother is cool with it. Something tells me this won't go well.

UPDATE: Dakota Fanning No Longer Creepy Child Actor

She's now a creepy teenager actor.

And because of certain teenage actor-related weight issues, I don't think she could polish off three burgers.

What Would Have Happened if Guitar Hero Had Existed 20 Years Ago?

We would all have had our 8-bit faces melted, that's what.

[via shape+colour]

Batshit Crazy Celebrity Alert: Joaquin Phoenix

Is Joaquin Phoenix high? Is this a hoax?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Update: Cell Phone Didn't Actually Explode, Man Shot Himself

Updating a previous story, it turns out the poor bastard in China didn't have an explosive cell phone, but rather shot himself.

It turns out that a lack of details on the story when it broke, plus poor international translation which equated to me scared that iPhone will irreparably damage my man-goods, was all for naught.

Sorry for the alarm. You may now return to storing your cell phones dangerously close to your respective baby makers.

Things That Shouldn't Happen...

3.) Having unprotected sex when you know you have AIDS

So, apparently Roberto Alomar knew he had AIDS and still thought it would be a good idea to have unprotected sex with his lady friend. God, talk about the downward spiral of a career. This guy went from all-star second baseman, to spitting in an umpire's face, to getting raped by 2 mexican dudes, to passing around the AIDS virus. AND now he has to live in a recession to boot.

If only Davey Johnson did a better job of seperating Alomar and the ump, maybe this guy's life would not be in shambles right now. Nice going Davey!

Mulligans Returns!

The greatest sub shop* in Boston has triumphantly returned! Now located at 83 Canal St next to Rustico and some other food place that is sure to go out of business within the next three weeks.

* This is not opinion. This is fact.

Monday, February 9, 2009

"Kittens" (Inspired by Kittens)

I want this girl to one day narrate my wedding photo album.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Enough Already.

Seriously. This shit needs to stop.

Thanks to Kirk

Thursday, February 5, 2009

LOST Conspiracy Theory Thursday!

If you haven't seen this week's episode, stop reading immediately!

Overall, I'd say a pretty slow episode until things picked up toward the end. Hopefully they're setting things up for the next few episodes.

  • Too bad they didn't actually show the full conversation between Jack and Claire's mother. That must have been awkward.
  • Although it was pretty easy to guess he wasn't gone forever, it's still good to have Jin back, sunburned lips and all. Man, that was disgusting.
  • There's clearly something special with some of the 815 crew. Can they die? Maybe not. Jin survived both a plane crash AND a boat explosion. What mode of transportation will catastrophically fail him next?
  • Speaking of Jin, this whole time-travel thing is going to be ridiculously difficult for Jin to comprehend. Even the folks that speak English as their first language are having a hard time with it.
  • Rousseau! LOST.
  • As much as I like the teasers for the upcoming episode, I thought this week's gave away just a little too much. They should have left it with Sun ready to pop Ben, ultimately leaving us guessing until next week.

Low Blow

The economy sucks. We all know it. But even if it hasn't really affected you, I don't think it gives you permission to openly mock the people that is has affected. If the new scrawny kid in accounting or the annoying kid in creative gets the boot and you don't, it doesn't give you permission to rub it in their face.

Well, apparently Best Buy thinks differently about this situation. One of their major competitors, Circuit City, recently announced that it will be closing all of their stores. This is great news for Best Buy, but instead of silently celebrating their victory in the world of retail, they decided to rub it in Circuit City's face.

I believe this is what some may call "sore winning." There's nothing like kicking someone while they're down.

OK, I won't lie, I think this is pretty funny.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Deep Breath with Michael Phelps

To weigh in on this whole Michael Phelps hit a bong saga, has anyone thought about the fact that he may have unrivaled pot-smoking lungs. I mean this guy can hold his breath for multiple minutes. Any one want to take a guess how huge that bong rip was??


I'm sure everyone is still coming down off of their Notorious movie high, but wanted to share a good cover of Hypnotize.

props to pdm for the link.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Things That Shouldn't Happen...

2.) Kids getting high out of their minds (regardless of the situation)

T-Shirt Hell

This hilarious, controversial t-shirt company is going out of business due to public outrage. Get your horribly offensive t-shirt orders in by Feb 10th.

Christian Bale Goes Completely Apeshit

story via Barstool Sports

Incident from the set of the new Terminator movie. Awesome.

Christian Bale is fast approaching the title of Most Dangerous Motherfucker in Hollywood. One more incident of him wailing on his mother/sister/director of photography, and he's become the white John Shaft.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Chinese Man Dies When Cell Phone Explodes in Pocket, Google Translate Not As Effective As Once Thought

Check out the translated story here. The translation isn't quite perfect, as evidenced by the headline.

Upon hearing about this story, I immediately took my phone out of my pocket and placed it on the edge of my desk as if it was a hand grenade. I'm kinda nervous about taking it home on the train tonight. I mean, if that thing goes, my junk is done for. I love my iPhone, but at what price?

Obligatory Super Bowl Post

Great game last night. I'm still somewhat miffed about the lack of a review on Warner's fumble at the end of the game. I'm sure Arizona fans are not taking that too well. It would have been very interesting to see them air out a bomb to Fitzgerald in the closing seconds. Oh well.

Perhaps even more impressive than Arizona's late game comeback and Pittsburgh's clinching TD was the return of Brenda Warner. I mean, what the hell happened? Didn't this chick have a flat top eight years ago? Yes. Yes she did.

My Top 3 Picks for Super Bowl Commercials

  • Pepsi - MacGruber (more on Hulu)
  • Hulu