Friday, May 1, 2009

80s Video Friday: No Easy Way Out

Robert Tepper - No Easy Way Out -

The parallels between Rocky and the Celtics are pretty hard to ignore.

The champion with one last thing to prove against a young upstart. Having already suffered two crippling losses (Mick = KG, Appolo = Powe), the champion is looking deep inside to pull off one last big win (which actually won't be the last big win since there are still 2 more sequels and 3 more playoff rounds, but whatever). It's reached a critical mass and all that's left is the main event (just as soon as he comes back from a deeply reflective drive in a 1980's Lamborghini and shifting though the gears 17 times).

Side note: Can you believe that there isn't an official music video for Paul Engemann's Push It To the Limit from Scarface or Joe Espisito's You're The Best Around from Karate Kid?? Bullshit.

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