Thursday, January 15, 2009

Yet Another Day I've Failed to Become Rich

LifeHacker If you ended up with a shoe box full of gift cards to stores you have no use for, you're in luck—the internet is here to help.

A new web site called Giftah lets you buy, sell, or trade gift cards to various North American retailers. If you're a buyer, you can find incredible deals on gift cards discounted anywhere from a few bucks to 50% of their actual balance. If you're holding onto a gift card that you're sure never to use before it expires, you can create an auction on Giftah to sell that gift card at a discount so that you can still at least get some cash out of the deal.

I've had this idea for two years now and finally someone came along and turned it into reality. For those keeping score at home, we're up to 9,717 days that I've failed to become an overnight millionaire. Sonofabitch.

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