Wednesday, January 7, 2009

People Who Should Be Fired: Cliff Stearns

Stearns, a Republican from Ocala, wrote to U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday asking her to move votes scheduled for Thursday evening and Friday so House members from Florida and Oklahoma can go to the Bowl Championship Series national title game.

Stearns wrote, “As you may be aware, on Thursday January 8, the University of Florida and the University of Oklahoma will play for the national football championship. Members of the Florida and Oklahoma delegations have expressed interest in attending the game as the congressional schedule allows. However, votes are currently scheduled to continue into Thursday night and Friday afternoon. We ask that you move these votes to either Wednesday and/or Thursday morning to allow Members to attend this historic game.”

Seriously? I mean, I'm a pretty big sports fan and I've even skipped work for a celebratory parade or two in my day. But you're a congressman in the US House of Representatives and during one of the worst economic periods in our country's history, you want two days off so you can watch a college football game?? Thankfully, the House Speaker denied his request. I mean, this is like asking your mom to skip two days of high school during finals week. Of course the answer is no. Cliff Stearns should be fired for even asking.

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