Thursday, January 29, 2009

Lost Conspiracy Theory Thursday!

Ok, so I'm a week late with this. We're kicking off a new weekly feature here on the blog, recapping the previous night's episode. If you want to jump on and share your own theories, rock out. If you haven't seen the most recent episode yet, just skip this altogether cause there will be spoilers galore.

There have been a substantial amount "no-effin'-way" moments this season and we're already two episodes in.

Episodes 1 & 2: Because You Left / The Lie

  • The episode starts with a flashback to the 70's with Dr. Chang filming one of those creepy orientation reels when he is interrupted by an incident at the construction site of the Orchid Station. The workers have discovered the unlimited energy source capable of bending time and space. He then bumps into Daniel Faraday. Whoa. This is the spot where Ben will later turn the mammoth cog to “move the island”.
  • Once Ben moves the island, the inhabitants begin to erratically move through time, likened to a skipping record. Locke is shot in the leg by Ethan, then transported and patched up by Richard Alpert who gives him a compass in case they cross paths again. Richard tells Locke that he needs to bring everyone back to the island, and Locke himself will die in the process.
  • At one point through time travel, the hatch is intact. Faraday knocks on the hatch (Swan Station) to meet Desmond who hasn’t yet encountered any 815 survivors. Desmond is told to find Faraday’s mother if Desmond and the 815 crew are able to get off the island. In a flash-forward, Desmond wakes up with the new-found memory.
  • In 2007, it sounds like Kate is busted and people (read: Widmore) are on to her whole baby-stealing plan. I’m telling you, that kid will turn out to be evil. Mark my words.
  • Ben and Jack begin to plan the reunion of the crew. Sayid breaks Hurley out of the nuthouse, taking a tranq-dart in the process. Hurley sees Ben, gets freaked out then gets arrested.
  • Who’s this new guy Neil? Sawyer keeps calling him Frogurt. Christ, he’s annoying. About 3 minutes into his on-camera debut, Frogurt takes a flaming arrow to the chest. Sweet. Ben visits an older woman at a church who tells him he has only 70 hours to return with the Oceanic Six, and if that doesn’t happen, then God help them all. LOST.
Episode 3: Jughead
  • Penny has a baby. Desmond goes to Oxford to find Faraday’s mother. He finds a janitor who tells him that Faraday vegetable-ized some lady with his wacky experiments. When Desmond visits her, he discovers Widmore has been financially backing Faraday’s research. Faraday’s mother is in Los Angeles…the weird lady at the end of the last episode perhaps?
  • Back on the island, and in 1954, Locke meets up with the Others and turns himself in to meet Richard Halpert to hopefully reconnect. In doing so, he learns that one of the young soldiers is Charles Widmore. WHAT!?
  • Locke is unable to convince Richard that he is the boss on the island so tells him to visit Locke in 1956. This explains why last season, Alpert was in the hospital when Locke was born.
  • Meanwhile Faraday is tasked with disarming an H-bomb and he is led away to do so by a young piece of jailbait. I mean, she’s probably in her 20’s but she looks about 15. Anyway Sawyer and Juliet show up, disarm the chick and then jump time. Charlotte then collapses with a bloody nose, Faraday freaks out. LOST.


Anonymous said...

Crazy theory #1: Blonde Jailbait is Faraday's mother and/or the Old Lady from Scene 24. (Kudos to anyone who gets that reference.)

Crazy theory #2: The Others bury the H-Bomb and pour concrete over it... in the shape of a four-toed foot!! (Remember that? Something that weird has to come up again.)

Crazy theory #3: Charles Widmore becomes leader of the Others, and founds the DHARMA Initiative to exploit the island. Ben Linus kills DHARMA and "steals" the island from Widmore, thus igniting their fued.

Things that bother me: The off-island events supposedly occur three years in the future. Why has it taken Ben three years to reassemble the Oceanic Six? And why did he only leave himself 70 hours? This is uncharacteristically poor planning on Ben's part.

EDub said...

Interesting to see if Widmore killing that guy will have any effect on anything.

Derrick said...

Scene 24, a smashing scene with some lovely acting, in which Locke discovers a vital clue, and in which there aren't any swallows, but I think you can hear a starling...

Anyway, I'm pretty sure Blonde Jailbait is Faraday's mother AND the Old Lady from Scene 24. Faraday's comment that she looks familiar lends some support to this.

NOW...what if Blonde Jailbait hooks up Charles Widmore? Faraday could be Widmore's son and half/brother to Penny (who I'm pretty sure is going to die when they go to LA since Ben has sworn to kill her)