Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Fake Religion Tuesday - Pastafarianism

So I guess this kind of blew up in 2007, but I'm just stumbling across this gem of a fake religion now.

Pastafarians follow the Flying Spaghetti Monster (pictured), and believe that the world was created by the touch of his noodly appendage. Furthermore, they acknowledge pirates as being 'absolute divine beings', and stress that the worldwide decline in the number of pirates has directly led to global warming. Devout followers are supposed to dress up like pirates all the time.

Pastafarianism was made up by an angry man named Bobby Henderson who thought it was ridiculous to teach Intelligent Design (i.e., God made us), so he created this batshit religion and told the Kansas School Board they had to teach it too. His open letter to the school

Since then, the Flying Spaghetti Monster has gained countless followers worldwide, although there are those who remain Spagnostic.

People are crazy. And, People love tattoos:

1 comment:

EDub said...

Where'd you get that picture of my calf?