Thursday, November 6, 2008

Asparagus Urine


"Asparagus, a green vegetable belonging to the lily family, has one notorious side effect for some diners who eat enough of it. Within a half-hour of asparagus consumption, some people notice their urine has acquired a very pungent odor, often compared to rotting cabbage, ammonia or rotten eggs. The effects of asparagus on urine are generally fleeting and harmless, but it's not necessarily the consumer's finest hour, bodily excretion-wise.

The good news is that asparagus does not affect everyone. Studies conducted on the "asparagus urine" phenomenon (aren't you glad you didn't volunteer!) indicate that roughly 40 to 50 percent of those tested developed the distinctive odor. Surprisingly enough, there is also a segment of the population who cannot smell the sulphurous fumes of asparagus-laced urine. It is believed that both the generation of the odoriferous urine and the ability to smell it are based on genetics. Only those with a certain gene can break down the chemicals inside the asparagus into their smelly components, and only those with the proper gene can smell the results of that chemical breakdown."

I always thought that everyone got asparagus pee after eating the veggie, but in college we came to the conclusion that our house was about 50/50. That being said, we were all able to smell the "odor." My question here is, for those who don't get the stink and can't smell the stink... does it exist in their world? Is that the new "if a tree that falls in the woods when nobody is around, does it make a noise" question?

Obviously, I ate asparagus tonight.

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